Hand dyed cashmere poncho with imprinted leaves and plants.

Hand dyed cashmere poncho with imprinted leaves and plants.

Poncho with eyelets and mother-of-pearl buttons
It is possible to wear it in 4 variants, such as poncho, stole, shawl, scarf.
The article in the photo is made with 100% cashemir wool yarn.
Hand dyed with logwood and madder root Imprinted with leaves: eucalyptus, s.giovanni herbs, mapples, cothinus, oak, chestnut.

In stock N/A . , , , .


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Poncho with eyelets and mother-of-pearl buttons
It is possible to wear it in 4 variants, such as poncho, stole, shawl, scarf.
The article in the photo is made with 100% cashemir wool yarn.
Hand dyed with logwood and madder root Imprinted with leaves: eucalyptus, s.giovanni herbs, mapples, cothinus, oak, chestnut.

Hand dyed cashmere poncho with imprinted leaves and plants.

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