Pink madder Eco Printed and Natural dyed 100% silk scarf with impressed real leaves. Original accessory for women.

Pink madder Eco Printed and Natural dyed 100% silk scarf with impressed real leaves. Original accessory for women.

This one of a kind Hand dyed silk scarf. First it was dyed with Madder root natural dye. Then the fabric was imprinted with nature’s leaves and flowers of: sumac, nandina, japaneese maple and hydrangea. Dim. 180×45 cm. Hand rolled hems. There is no one can be the same.
Washable in cold water with mild soap. For dry avoid direct sunlight.

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This one of a kind Hand dyed silk scarf. First it was dyed with Madder root natural dye. Then the fabric was imprinted with nature’s leaves and flowers of: sumac, nandina, japaneese maple and hydrangea. Dim. 180×45 cm. Hand rolled hems. There is no one can be the same.
Washable in cold water with mild soap. For dry avoid direct sunlight.

Pink madder Eco Printed and Natural dyed 100% silk scarf with impressed real leaves. Original accessory for women.

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