The Stone Bridge Verona original watercolour painting.

The Stone Bridge Verona original watercolour painting.

The Stone Bridge(Ponte Pietra) Verona original author’s painting.
Watercolor painting on artistic high quality 100 % cotton paper 300 g/m2(140 lbs) with professional paints.
Dimensions 30,5*45,5 cm (12”x18”).
Reverse side signatured by author.

Authentic original watercolour painting(this is not a print), painted, dated, signed, certified and sold directly by artist .

Packaging: watercolor under protection, rigid cardboard or plastic tube for shipping big size paintings or rigid cardboard protection and envelope for small paintings. .

In stock N/A . , , , , .


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The Stone Bridge(Ponte Pietra) Verona original author’s painting.
Watercolor painting on artistic high quality 100 % cotton paper 300 g/m2(140 lbs) with professional paints.
Dimensions 30,5*45,5 cm (12”x18”).
Reverse side signatured by author.

Authentic original watercolour painting(this is not a print), painted, dated, signed, certified and sold directly by artist .

Packaging: watercolor under protection, rigid cardboard or plastic tube for shipping big size paintings or rigid cardboard protection and envelope for small paintings. .

The Stone Bridge Verona original watercolour painting.

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